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DC Extended Universe Wiki
DC Extended Universe Wiki
For other uses of Flash, see Flash (disambiguation).
For alternate versions of Flash, see Flash's Character Hub.

"Not every problem has a solution. Sometimes we just have to let go."
―Flash to his counterpart[src]

Bartholomew Henry "Barry" Allen is a former student at Central City College who was struck by a bolt of lightning one fateful night, gaining the ability to think and move at incredible superhuman speeds. Using these powers, he became a superhero in Central City known as The Flash, fighting against criminals like Captain Boomerang while trying his best to keep a low profile in the process. He is also desperate to prove his father's innocence for the grisly murder of his mother.

He was eventually discovered and subsequently monitored by supergenius Lex Luthor and was then later recruited by Bruce Wayne to be a member of the Justice League in order to help defend Earth after the death of Superman at the hands of Doomsday.

Following his recruitment to the team, Flash played a pivotal role in the resurrection of Superman. With the team now fully assembled, Flash greatly contributed to the successful assault against the forces of General Steppenwolf of Apokolips, forcing the alien invasion to retreat from Earth. Afterward, Barry was hired for a position at the Central City Police Department's crime lab, much to his imprisoned father's delight.

Later, he used the Speed Force to travel across the multiverse, and, at some point during his travels, met another version of himself, from a different universe. Allen eventually went with the Justice League to help the 11th Street Kids at Coverdale Ranch fight the butterflies, but the 11th Street Kids had already finished off the threat.

Later, Barry got a new suit that materializes itself when he wears a ring with the symbol of the Flash. He began to be trained by Bruce Wayne, while dealing with new criminals like Girder, Tarpit and the Top, and his co-workers Patty Spivot, David Singh and Albert Desmond.

Seeking to travel back in time to avoid his father's arrest, Allen traveled back in time to prevent his mother's death, though he ended up trapped in an alternate 2013, meeting a younger version of himself, which he helped gain his powers when Dru-Zod attacked Earth, so he and his other version allied with an alternate Batman and Supergirl to stop Zod, causing the deaths of his companions. As the Flashes rewound the past to reverse events, they were confronted by a future version called Dark Flash, who with so many attempts to save his comrades, endangered the Multiverse, causing his counterpart to sacrifice himself to stop him, and with Flash reversing his mistake by letting his mother die. When Allen returned to the present to attend to the release of his father, he ended up meeting another alternate Bruce Wayne.


Early Life

"This question is stupid. How many calculations can you think of with an answer of 24? There are a bajillion answers. How I am supposed to fit them all?"
"You are right. There are a bajillion anwers to this question. Not every problem has a solution. Sometimes you just have to let go."
―Barry Allen and Nora Allen[src]
Young Barry Allen

Barry has fun with his mother.

Bartholomew Henry "Barry" Allen was born around 1995 in Central City, Ohio to Nora and Henry Allen. During his childhood, Barry often played in the yard, running around while his parents watched, and formed a strong bond with his mother, who often called him "monkey" and even gave him a stuffed monkey.[5]

Murder of Nora Allen

"He does visit his father... in prison, for murdering his mother."
"Young Barry always protested his father's innocence, but he was nine and nobody listened to him."
Alfred Pennyworth and Bruce Wayne[src]

In 2004, Barry accompanied Nora to the supermarket but forget to buy a can of tomato, with which Nora made her favorite sauce, before returning home to do a mathematical equations assignment, becoming frustrated by not knowing how to solve it. He explained his situation to Nora for not finding a solution, he would receive advice from his mother which was that not every problem has a solution and sometimes you just have to let go. Because he forgot the tomato can, Nora entrusted Henry to look for a can only for Barry to start to play with his parents in the kitchen before starting to dance and play with his mother to the rhythm of the song Pedro Navaja.

The Flash Trailer 015

Barry sees his mother die.

Some time later, inside his room, Barry tried to solve his math problem before hearing a scream from the kitchen, being quickly called by Henry, whom he saw through the window and in horror, Barry saw his bloodied mother, receiving Henry's request for help to call the police. Because no one believed that it was another individual who killed his mother because he was a minor, Henry was wrongly framed by the police, sentencing him to a life sentence in Iron Heights Penitentiary.

Growing up, Barry was teased by his classmates because Henry was framed as a murderer. Motivate, he began studying criminal law at Central City College in hopes of one day clearing his father's name and freeing him from prison, visiting him occasionally to talk about the jobs he was getting.[6] During his studies, Barry befriended and fell in love with his classmate Iris West, who also had an attraction for him.[5]

Central City's Hero

Struck by Lightning

"This is where i was sitting. [...] I had just opened those windows to clear out the fumes. [...] And i was sitting in that chair, and i was right under this shelf of chemicals. And that's when the lightning hits."
―Barry Allen to Young Barry[src]

While working at the Central City Research Center as a student, one night, Barry was conducting research, leaving the windows open, being close to some chemicals, until he was struck by lightning which granted him the ability to access the Speed Force, allowing him to move, think, act and vibrate his body at inhuman speeds. With his newfound abilities, Barry decided to become a vigilante in Central City, using a heat-resistant silicon and quartz base to make a special suit for himself to keep his identity a secret.[6][5]

Black Zero Event

"I had just gotten my powers. This thing, Zod's World Engine, it started destroying Metropolis so I just went there and I started trying to save people. [...] There was this kid and I... I got him, but then... I couldn't get his dad. [...] It was all i could do, save that one kid."
―Barry Allen to Young Barry[src]
Flash saves in Metropolis

Flash makes his first save during the Black Zero Event in Metropolis.

In 2013, Barry was adding the final details to his suit, before General Dru-Zod and the Sword of Rao began terraforming the Earth with the World Engine, so Barry went to Metropolis to help the people. unsuccessfully, watching as a child tried to help his injured father and managed to save the kid, however, he was unable to rescue his father, using his speed to prevent a vehicle from falling on them. The event left Barry traumatized after Superman defeated Zod and began taking his vigilante actions more seriously, modifying his suit.[5]

Monitored by Lex Luthor

Flash security footage

Barry before taking down the assailant.

In 2015, Barry was buying food at a grocery store when he heard a robber pointing and threatening a cashier at the counter with his gun. With his super speed, Barry ran towards him and pushed him in one-thirtieth of a second, while his trail of electric rays caused the lights to flicker momentarily. Lex Luthor, in his investigation to prove the existence of Metahumans, obtained security camera recordings of the event.[7]

Apprehending Captain Boomerang

"No honor among thieves, eh?"
―Flash to Captain Boomerang[src]

After a series of robberies carried out by Australian criminal George Harkness caught Flash's attention, Boomerang was successfully arrested on their first encounter, but tricked Flash into being released by convincing him that he had, in fact, impersonated him. In his next encounter, Boomerang managed to knock out Flash and tie him to a rocket that he sent into Earth's atmosphere. Fortunately, Flash managed to free himself from the rocket as it began to descend, and proceeded to capture Boomerang.[8]

Flash stops Boomerang

Flash finds and stops Captain Boomerang.

While planning a series of multiple robberies at the Central City Diamond Exchange with an associate, Boomerang betrayed him by throwing a boomerang at him to knock him out, taking all of his merchandise with him. At that, Flash appeared in front of the criminal, mentioning the dishonor that existed in Boomerang. With that said, Flash proceeded to knock him down and leave for him to be arrested and sent to Belle Reve Federal Penitentiary.[1]

Rescuing Iris West

"Oh, gosh. I hope everyone's okay. See, in times of crisis, for dog work, I always bring a meat snack. 'Cause it makes them feel calm. 'Cause you never know what's gonna happen in this city. I mean, oh, my gosh."
―Barry Allen to Central Bark worker[src]
Barrys runs into Iris

Barry briefly runs into Iris.

In order to get a new job to pay his tuition at Central City College, Barry headed to Central Bark Doggy Day care. On the bus on the way, Barry was delayed due to an old woman who was counting the coins for her fare to get on, so a desperate Barry begged to let him get on. As he entered the store, recanting his delay, Barry tried to pet a dog that proceeded to bark at him, before briefly bumping into Iris West, with whom he exchanged glances for a few moments.

Barry caresses Iris

Barrys observes and rescues Iris.

When he approached the worker, Barry attempted to explain the reason for his tardiness in a comical manner, before handing her his tousled and destroyed resume, while continuing to watch Iris through the window. After the worker asked Barry about his experience for the employment, Iris, about to leave in her car, suddenly crashed into a truck driven by a distracted driver, throwing her from her vehicle. Immediately, Barry activated his super speed, broke his sneakers and ran through and breaking the glass of the place.

Barry after rescuing Iris

Barry before dissapearing in front of Iris.

Upon being in front of Iris, Barry carefully observed and caressed her face, before observing a floating sausage and proceeding to put it in his pocket. He then grabbed her arms and slowly carried her to a safe area so that she would be safe as the car fell on its side and overturned, exploding. Upon reconsideration, Iris watched in amazement as Barry, who, frightened, returned to the premises and was observed by the worker calmly giving snacks to the dogs, much to her dismay.[6]

War for Earth

Recruited by Bruce Wayne

"Stop right there. I'm in."
"You are? Just like that?"
"Yeah, I need... friends."
―Barry Allen and Bruce Wayne[src]
Barry visits his father (Zack Snyder's Justice League)

Barry talks with his father.

Barry visited Henry in prison to talk about his new job, but he was upset because he had four jobs that weren't useful. Barry reminded him that he required money to get his degree in criminal law, even though his father admitted his guilt. Father and son began to argue until Barry and his father joined hands, as Henry gave Barry advice on how to let go of the past to create his future. Shortly afterward the guards took Henry to his cell. Barry kept thinking about his father's phrase.

Upon reaching his hideout, Barry turned on the lights, but was surprised by Bruce Wayne, who came to recruit him. To hide his identity, Barry tried to trick Bruce, since he had broken into his house without permission. Barry tried to lie about his suit by lying that he practiced ice skating and mentioned that he had various skills, but Bruce knew he was lying. When Bruce threw a batarang, Barry used his powers and observed the batarang, which caused him to discover that Bruce was actually Batman.

Barry holding Bruce's batarang (Zack Snyder's Justice League)

Barry holding Bruce's batarang.

Surprised, Barry admitted that he had speed powers. While Bruce offered him to join his team of super people, he immediately accepted, since he needed friends, and asked Bruce if he could keep his batarang. The duo left the lair with pizza and Barry was surprised as they were going on a jet. Barry asked Bruce about his power, which he responded with "I'm rich".

After landing in Gotham City, Barry and Bruce met up with Diana, who was actually Wonder Woman. After being introduced by Bruce, Barry was surprised by Diana and made a fool of her upon meeting her. Barry, Bruce and Diana saw the Bat Signal, something that made Barry excited, since it was Bruce's signal, but he acted discreetly so that Bruce's secret identity would not be revealed.[6]

Skirmish under Gotham Harbor

"Right. Uh... Is there- Is there a plan? Either of you?"
"Don't engage alone. We do this together."
―Flash and Wonder Woman[src]
Barry joins a meeting with Commissioner Gordon (Zack Snyder's Justice League)

Barry joins a meeting with Commissioner Gordon.

Meeting with Commissioner Gordon, the three were joined by Victor Stone, whose father was one of the S.T.A.R. Labs scientists kidnapped by the Parademons. The group managed to figure out that the scientists were being rallied underground at Gotham Harbor, thanks to Victor. As the group arrived, they witnessed Steppenwolf mercilessly murder one of the scientists after she did not reveal the location of a Mother Box. As the League began their attack, Barry began rescuing the rest of the hostages before joining in the fight against the Parademons.

Flash returns Wonder Woman's sword (Zack Snyder's Justice League)

Flash returns Wonder Woman's sword.

When Barry returned to the fight, Diana has lost hold of her sword, so Flash used his speed to move the hilt back to her grasp. Distracted by his accomplishment, Barry lost his footing and tumbled to the ground below. As Steppenwolf approached them, Barry was grazed in the leg by a Parademon blast and was nearly taken before being saved by Diana. However, Steppenwolf proved to be too strong for the ragtag team to handle, catching a missile fired from the Knightcrawler and using it to flood the area before escaping. Luckily, Aquaman saved them by slowing the tide with his trident, allowing Barry and the others to get to safety.[6]

Resurrection of Superman

"I know we're all thinking the same thing right now. Who's gonna say it? I'm not gonna say it."
―Barry Allen to the Justice League[src]

The League regrouped in the Batcave to plan their next move. After discovering the capabilities of the Mother Box in Cyborg's possession, the team decided to use the Genesis Chamber in the Kryptonian ship along with the Mother Box to resurrect Superman. (They believed that bringing him back not only completed the team but also increased their odds of defeating Steppenwolf.) As a result, Victor and Barry dug up Clark's grave, with the pair noting the abnormality in their task and bonding over their powers.

Flash avoids Superman's punches (Zack Snyder's Justice League)

Flash avoids Superman's punches.

After exhuming Superman's body, the team submerged the Kryptonian and Barry fired off an electrical charge that energized the Box, whose restorative energy field healed and revived the fallen hero. However, Superman awakened disoriented and, believing them to be hostile, attacked the League, who were all but powerless against him. While Superman held back Diana, Arthur, and Victor simultaneously, Barry attempted to flank him, though this tactic quickly proved to be for naught, as Superman could almost keep up with Barry's speed, much to his terrified amazement. Flash, in haste, attempted to evade Superman's attacks but was knocked into the wall of the memorial and incapacitated.[6]

Battle of Pozharnov

"Okay... Just gotta go faster than the speed of light, far beyond the speed of light, you gotta break the rule, Barry and you gotta do it now!"
Flash in Speedforce (Zack Snyder's Justice League)

Flash in Speed Force.

The team returned to the Batcave where Cyborg figured out Steppenwolf's plan. The team made a plan to take down Steppenwolf and stop the Unity, in which Barry played a key part. Because of Silas' sacrifice, the League was able to pinpoint Steppenwolf's location in the abandoned town located in Russia. Barry and the League took off in the Flying Fox to face the Apokoliptian. Upon arriving, Barry and the others observed as Batman led the Parademons away and took down the shield surrounding Steppenwolf's base. Barry was then tasked with running laps around the facility to build up a charge, which was required to get Cyborg into the boxes. He was shot by a Parademon and had to take a few seconds to heal, but it was too late. The Unity formed, and the world was scorched, turning into an extension of Apokolips, with a Boom Tube opening to allow Darkseid to take full control of the boxes. Barry began witnessing the destruction of Earth and then remembered that he could reverse time to save the world. Realizing that all life on Earth would be destroyed, Barry broke his one rule: going faster than the Speed of Light. As he ran, time reversed to the point just before the Unity was activated, and he managed to send Cyborg into the boxes, and after destabilizing the boxes, Cyborg and Superman separated them, preventing the Unity and saving Earth. A defeated but still determined Steppenwolf attempted to attack the League only to be impaled by Aquaman, punched by Superman into the portal, and decapitated by Wonder Woman. Flash rejoined the team as they all got a glimpse of the alien tyrant before the Boom Tube closed.[6]

A New World

Forensic Sciencist

"It's actually the worst job you can get in a crime lab. But, uh, my foot's in the door."
"Is this like a job-job?"
"Job job."
―Barry Allen and Henry Allen[src]Determined to investigate and stop crime in Central City, Barry joined as a forensic scientist at the Central City Police Department. Upon receiving the job, Barry met with his father in prison to inform him of his new job as a scientist, mentioning that he now "had one foot in the door." Henry laughed at the term his son used before congratulating him on his new job; Barry thanked him for all his help.

Finally being at peace with himself knowing that his father was proud of him, Flash began to run pleasantly through the streets of Central City, feeling happy to now be in charge of defending his city. Now with his new job, Barry could investigate and stop various crimes legally and officially. There, he met his co-workers Patty Spivot and Albert Desmond, as well as his professor and boss, Dr. David Singh, to whom he brought coffee every day. Barry regularly went to Filby's Café, where Sara had prepared her sandwich for him before he went to work.

Multiversal Travel

"Uh... hello? What the hell is this?"
"I'm asking myself the same question... literally."
―Flash and Flash[src]
The Barrys Shake Hands

Barry meets Barry inside the Speed Force.

Eventually, Barry wound up in a memory of S.T.A.R. Labs from another Earth by accessing the Speed Force, and accidentally coming across that universe's version of himself in the process. Confused, he asked the other Barry Allen where he was and what was happening, to which the other Barry said he did not know. He then asked the other Barry if his suit was a cosplay and if he wanted a selfie, to which the other Flash said no, exclaiming that he was also the Flash. Barry was confused by this name that the other Barry had given himself but took a liking to it. The other Barry said that the situation was complicated, and then the two Barrys complimented each other's suits, but then they both quickly stood back awkwardly and shook hands, both saying "I'm Barry Allen" in unison, which freaked them both out. The other Barry said that their encounter should be impossible now, to which Barry asked why, not knowing what he meant. The other Barry was taken aback by Barry's unknowing of the Crisis that was occurring in the Multiverse. Before the other Barry could explain the situation any further, Barry faded out while saying that he had told Victor Stone this was possible.[9]

Project Butterfly

"I'm so fucking sick of that rumor."
"It's not a rumor."
"Fuck you, Barry."
Aquaman and Flash[src]
Flash meets Peacemaker

The Flash arrives late at the battle against the Butterflies

In January 2021, Leota Adebayo informed her boss and mother Amanda Waller about the current crisis point with the Butterfly alien invasion. She suggested that Waller calls in the Justice League. Barry, along with Aquaman, Wonder Woman, and Superman, did eventually get informed about the crisis and managed to make it to the site of Coverdale Ranch just as the Peacemaker and the rest of the 11th Street Kids were heading out of the site. Peacemaker told the League that they were late and mocked Aquaman about the rumors of him having intercourse with fish which made him express his distaste for the rumor, leading Flash to jokingly say that it was not a rumor, much to his teammate's irritation.[10]

Becoming The Fastest Man Alive

Confronting Girder

Attack on Flash

Girder attacks the Flash.

After the Flash stopped a weapons trafficking operation of Vincent Inzerillo's criminal team, he encountered the criminal known as the Girder, whom he was unable to hurt. Two days later, Barry was heading for his job at the CCPD crime lab, when he saw a bank vault door being thrown into the air, which made him protect people at super speed and go get his suit. Arriving at the scene, Flash was met with a heavy punch from Girder, who said that he was not there to rob the bank but to kill him as there was a price on his head.[4]

Training with Bruce Wayne

While gravely injured and with his suit very damaged, the Flash managed to get away from Girder's grasp and escape. Knowing that he could not defeat Girder alone, the Flash sought help from the veteran hero Batman, who was dealing with The Jacks in Gotham City. Following the defeat of the Jacks, the Flash told Batman that he needed help with stopping Girder. The two headed for the Batcave after Batman tied up the Jacks' leader for the police to find.[4]

Battle at the Central City Police Department

Battle at Central City Police Department

Battle at CCPD.

The Flash later returned to Central City and confronted Girder. Batman also appeared and gives the hero a ring that contained a new suit by micro-compression, with which he defeated Girder, who was arrested at Iron Heights Penitentiary.[4]

Attending Duty Calls

The Flash and Batman then helped Girder's father cover his medical bills as anonymous donors.[4]

Against Tarpit

To be added[11]

Against Top

To be added[12]

Chase of Al Falcone

"We have a situation at Gotham General. A robbery gone wrong.
"This is the middle of the morning. Why is our bat-friend even awake? Call Superman!"
Alfred Pennyworth and Barry Allen[src]
Flash observes Gotham's hospital

Flash observes Gotham's General.

Before leaving for the Central City Research Center, Barry went to Filby's Café to buy his breakfast due to his low metabolism, being served by Sara's understudy, who was late due to various anecdotes, before receiving a call of Alfred Pennyworth, trying to deny any mission, but was informed that a failed robbery occurred at the Gotham General Hospital, although Barry suggested calling other members of the Justice League such as Superman or Wonder Woman, who were indisposed, being him his last option to help Batman. Barry ended the call after accepting Alfred's request, asking the understudy how long it would take with the sandwich, realizing that it was taking a long time due to his anecdotes, frustrating Barry and he decided to go to the bathroom to leave the cafeteria in his suit, getting ready. to go to the rescue, however, he was interrupted by a group of fans and tried to ask a fan for his chocolate to calm his metabolism until Alfred put him in contact with Batman to help him in Gotham. Annoyed by his fans, Flash returned to his starting position, running quickly, traversing all of Central City to reach Gotham City.

Flash saving the babies

Flash saving the babies from the Hospital's collapse.

Upon arrival, Flash watched as the hospital began to collapse, endangering several civilians and took it upon himself to rescue several people from a fatal fall, asking Batman why he was not there, discovering that he was sent to protect civilians in the hospital while Batman pursued Al Falcone, who stole a deadly virus and caused the hospital to explode. When the hospital's pipe burst, Flash headed down to the basement, fixing the pipes, and venting his frustration to Alfred for being considered "the League's janitor", a role he refused to continue in order to keep cleaning up the messes. Flash thought his job was over as he watched his speed get slower until he saw the east wing begin to collapse, acknowledging that Alfred was right, seeing a nurse and several babies fall from the sky. Quickly, Flash activated his speed to move in slow motion, but because he didn't eat anything, his speed was slowing down, worrying about the infants in danger. Flash was able to mobilize towards a food machine to feed himself, managing to get back faster, saving the babies, the nurse and a therapy dog, placing them on a stretcher to carry them to safety, making Alfred proud, and pulling a baby out of a microwave to give it to the nurse.

Flash and Batman embarrased

Flash embarrassed after admitting that he never had sex.

After recommending the nurse find a therapist for the experience, Flash headed to the Gotham bridge, meeting up with Batman and Wonder Woman, who had managed to catch Falcone, receiving a compliment from Wonder Woman on his new suit. Flash watched as Batman told the truth about him being bound by the Lasso of Hestia and tried to help his friend, but was embarrassed in front of Wonder Woman by revealing that he never had sex, making the trio uncomfortable. After Wonder Woman left, Flash said goodbye to Batman and returned to Filby's Café, receiving the sandwich and leaving the place in frustration at the worker for the delay.[5]

Searching to Change the Past

"If my mom doesn't forget the tomatoes in the first place, then he never leaves and she never dies. No one would even have to see me. Bruce said no interaction. This is no interaction. This is just quick in, quick out, back to the present, like I was never there. That's how i fix it."
Barry Allen[src]
Albert, Barry, and Patty

Barry and his 2 co-workers, Patty and Albert.

After arriving at the Central City Research Center, Barry was confronted by his boss, David Singh, who accused him of arriving late. After work, outside, he met up with his old college friend, Iris West, whom he had not seen since 2017. After talking to her for a bit with his two co-workers, Patty Spivot and Albert Desmond, Barry went to his apartment, where he found a letter that Bruce had left him which had a USB with video evidence for his father's, Henry Allen, alibi. Upon connecting the USB to his computer and seeing the video, Barry discovered that his father's face was not visible so he contacted him to tell him of this since tomorrow was his appeal.

The Flash on the Speed Force

Barry running in an attempt to travel back in time.

Henry insisted Barry not to worry about him and to look for a girlfriend but Barry refused. The scarlet speedster would go to visit his old home with his suit put on before the call with his father is cut off. Saddened, Barry began to run to try to revert time like he did in Pozharnov but instead he discovered the Chronobowl, a place located in the Speed Force which could allow him to travel back in time. Surprised, Barry called Bruce to inform him of his discovery. Bruce would came to visit him with his car at his apartment to where he would warn Barry that time travel was dangerous and that the scars they had made them who they are and that nothing had been broken about Barry that needed to be fixed.

Barry talks to Bruce

Barry realizes how he can go back in time.

After that, Bruce left in his car while Iris, who wanted to talk to Barry, arrived. Barry let Iris into his house where she would try to apologize for the conversation she had with Barry in the morning which didn't end well. In the middle of the conversation, Iris accidentally gives Barry the idea of going back in time to save his parents by moving a can of tomato to his mother's cart so Barry would leave his apartment without first thanking Iris and telling her that something like this had to happen again.[5]


Altering the Timeline

"Hi, mom. Don't forget the tomatoes. See you soon."
―Flash to Nora Allen[src]
Flash after leaving a tomato can of his mom's shopping cart

Flash prepares to return to the Chronobowl.

Into the Chronobowl and with his suit put on, Flash would start to travel back in time, going through some memories of his past such as the War for Earth, the Capture of Captain Boomerang, the creation of his first two suits and the murder of his mother before arriving at the moment when he and she were in the supermarket. Upon leaving the Chronobowl, Flash immediately looked for a can of tomato and then ran into his mother after several years, leaving the can of tomato in her cart to return to the Chronobowl, all without anyone noticing.

Dark Flash 1

Flash sees his misterios attacker.

Back at the Chronobowl, Flash prayed that everything had worked out while he was going back to the future. Then, many happy memories of him and his parents would begin to appear, moments that he had never experienced. This filled Flash with joy until he suddenly stopped when a dark figure appeared in the background of the memories. The mysterious speedster would run towards Flash and push him out of the Chronobowl. Flash fell on a runway by daytime and watched as the mysterious speedster who attacked him disappeared through a portal.[5]

Meeting his Younger Self

"You are not anything. Which is good. You don't want to be a superhero. It's scary. And I get bug splatter in my teeth all the time."
―Barry Allen to Barry Allen[src]
Barry talks with his 89 father

Barry having lunch with his family.

Now being inside a new timeline, Flash, upon seeing his old home in front of him, would steal some elder's clothes to enter his home. Once inside, upon seeing her mother, Nora, he touched her shoulder, scaring her initially but later she received him happily. His father, Henry, would also appear and upon noticing how Barry returned home early, he joked about how Barry arriving earlier made it seem like it would be from another universe. Barry would have lunch with both of his parents in which he would ask them how his life was going until looking out the window, he notices a guy with the same face as him. Barry freaked out and lied to his parents that he was going to the bathroom to go after the other Barry. Barry attacked his counterpart and put on one of his underwear that he was carrying inside a coat so that he would not see his face to begin interrogating him while he screamed for help. However, the other Barry removed the underwear from his face, revealing his face and causing the other Barry to pass out not without before revealing that he was 18 years old.

Barry explains the Multiverse to his 89 self

Barry explains things to his younger self.

The older Barry would take him to his room where upon waking up, he would begin to explain many things about him except the death of his mother. Barry noticed how his younger self was more annoying than him since he threatened to call his mother if he didn't use his powers in front of him. As he did so, Barry saw in slow motion some photos of his younger self and his parents and also the Monkey of this timeline as a shooting target. Barry would grab Monkey and keep it hidden. Barry asks his younger self what the date, with him revealing that it is September 29, 2013. This revelation makes Barry scared and afraid that if his younger self didn't get his powers, he wouldn't either and that he would lose his way to return to the future so he took his younger self to the Central City Research Center, much to his younger self's excitement.[5]

Infiltration into Central City Research Center

"Tonight, September 29, the accident that gives me my powers. And if you're not there in... in 30 minutes... then you won't get the powers. Which means I don't get the powers, maybe? And then, that would mean that I lose my way of getting back in time in the first place, and then I literally have no idea what happens."
―Barry Allen to Barry Allen[src]
The Barrys enter inside the center

Barry and his younger self infiltrate the Central City Research Center.

At night, standing at the door of the Central City Research Center, with it being closed, Barry carried his younger self in his arms to vibrate with him, much to his excitement. After asking him not to make noise, Barry and his other self infiltrated to the Center's laboratory where Barry began to tell his younger self the plan, much to his fear, so the other Barry began to ruin the plan by stopping sitting but Barry sat him back down. The two fought for a while until suddenly, the lightning struck and pierced the two, causing the Barrys to fall to the floor. The two began to wake up and Barry's younger self felt a tooth inside his mouth so he thought it had fallen out but when he saw that he had all his teeth, he gave it to Barry who, realizing that he had lost a tooth, stuck it with rubber.

Barry realizes he has lost his powers

Barry realizes that the accident made him lose his powers.

With an alarm ringing, Barry looked for the exit from the Center while carrying his unconscious younger self. Barry had the idea to vibrate so he ran towards the wall only to crash into it and drop his younger self. Barry tried to run in circles to see if he still had his powers but soon he realized that he had lost them. After taking his younger self to his apartment, Barry explained that the accident gave him powers but that he had lost them. The young Barry, excited, began to use his powers while the older Barry asked him to stop but he ignored him and ran towards Central City, where he found out and returned naked to his apartment. Barry tried to explain him about his powers and that he should teach her how to use them until his younger self fell asleep.[5]

Kryptonian Attack

Zod's Message

"No, no, no. This can't be happening. Not now."
―Barry Allen.[src]
Flash ring

Barry lends the Flash Ring to his younger self.

Now without his powers, Barry woke up his younger self and took him to a park where he lends him his Flash Ring so his other self could put on his suit. After putting it on, Barry explained to his younger self that if he taught him to move at the same speed as him, they could recreate the Chronobowl and go back to the future, from there, he started an argument with the other Barry who claimed that Erick Stoltz played Marty McFly which surprises Barry since in his timeline, he is played by Michael J. Fox. However, their discussion is interrupted when strangely, many people in the park start running and getting scared so Barry orders his other self to take off his suit to see what is happening.

Zod's message 89

Barry sees the message Zod is broadcasting in the TV of a bar.

Arriving at a bar, on the TV news, Barry sees the Black Zero which he recognizes from 2013 and begins to worry, knowing that Zod is coming to Earth. Upon entering the bar, suddenly the lights go out and Zod begins broadcasting a message to all the devices with screens on the planet, demanding an individual to be back on his custody. Barry and his younger self left the bar and outside, he explained to him how he was during the Black Zero Event and how he couldn't save a father but he recognized that they could prevent everything from happening if they reunited the entire Justice League, so the two walked to Barry Allen's Apartment.

Flashpoint Barry Allen's apartment

Barry and his younger self find an sleeping Gary.

When entering, Barry began to notice an unpleasant smell which he later realized was coming from a friend of his younger self who lived in his apartment. Barry asked his other self to lend him his laptop when this timeline's Patty Spivot woke up. The young Barry tried to convince her that Barry was his cousin which she believed while her boyfriend, Albert Desmond, woke up too. Barry would start searching the internet to see if his teammates were already superheroes but he discovered that Victor Stone wasn't Cyborg yet, Wonder Woman was unsearchable and Arthur Curry had never been born, which made Barry think that he had completely broke the universe. Barry started mentioning the name of his teammates who he thought didn't exist until he mentioned Batman, causing Patty to say jokingly "I'm Batman". Thanks to this, Barry discovered that Batman existed in this timeline so he took his younger self while he lied saying that they were going to the cousins' dinner.

Meeting in the Wayne Manor

"So... you're the same person as him... but from an alternate timeline."
"In which you and I are friends?"
"Yeah. You're like probabily my best friend."
Bruce Wayne and Barry Allen[src]
The Flash Teaser 002

Barry and his younger self arrive at Wayne Manor.

To be added

Rescue of Supergirl

"I've read all about temporal paradoxes and causal loops. But this is more than that. Inevitable intersections are something none of the theories could have anticipated 'cause, well, how do you explain that except for... fate?"
―Barry Allen[src]
The Flash Trailer 048

Barry and his younger self before eject.

To be added

Recovering his Powers

"This is going to work, right?"
"Of course it's gonna work. Nothing we haven't done before. Besides this time we have Batman. What could go wrong?"
"Uh, for the record i think this is insane."
Barry Allen, Barry Allen and Bruce Wayne[src]
Barry screams in pain

Barry gets electrocuted in chemicals in an attempt to get his powers back.

To be added

Battle at Edwards Air Force Base

"In my world, Superman showed up right away when Zod called him out. So, as of now, we're in uncharted territory. What I do know is that Zod somehow controls the World Engines, which will be destroying much more than just Metropolis now with every passing second that we don't stop him."
―Barry Allen to Barry Allen[src]
Flash fights a kryptonian

Flash kicks a kryptonian.

To be added

Battle at the Chronobowl

"Barry, listen. There's something I should tell you. I went back in time initially, because..."
"Yeah, it's because mom died."
"But how do you know?"
"Doesn't matter...does it?"
"You do know that I have to undo what I did."
"...No. No, it's not a mistake. We can save her and we can save them."
"No, we can't. This is what Bruce was talking about. Barry, this is inevitable. We can try a million times and we're not gonna be able to fix this. No matter what we do... this world dies. Today."
Barry Allen and Barry Allen, who explains to him about why he went back in time in the first place as well as the inevitable intersection.[src]
Barry talks to his variant

Barry tries to convince his younger self to stop.

To be added


Saying Goodbye to Nora Allen

"Love you, mom. I love you more. I loved you first."
―Barry Allen to Nora Allen.[src]
Barry finds his mother

One last goodbye.

To be added

Release of Henry Allen

"Mr. Allen, can you tell us a bit more about what happened, please?"
"Well, um... the tomatoes moved from the bottom shelf, to the top shelf, and subsequently, uncooked the spaghetti. Unquote."
"I'm sorry, that makes absolutely no sense. What are you talking about, sir?"
―Court Reporter and Barry Allen.[src]
Barry Allen and Iris West

Barry and Iris outside the court.

To be added

Catching up with Arthur Curry

"They we're all Batman. They we're all Bruce Wayne. But each one of them was a different person."
―Barry Allen to Arthur Curry.[src]

To be added


"I'm not very good with people. Even myself."
―Barry Allen[src]

Barry Allen is a remarkably intelligent and determined individual, becoming a highly skilled forensic scientist to prove the innocence of his imprisoned father Henry Allen in the death of his mother Nora Allen. As the Flash, Barry is determined to keep his secret identity a secret from others, demonstrated by the many excuses he came up with when confronted by Bruce Wayne, despite none of them being convincing enough to fool the latter. When finally exposed by Bruce, Barry was quick to agree to join the Justice League, due to his great desire to gain friends he could relate to.

However, despite his incredible powers and happy personality, Barry initially remained insecure and unsure of himself, since all of his League teammates seemed prepared to do battle against Steppenwolf's army. In addition to this, Flash had a penchant for drifting around and is plagued by multiple social disorders. However, following the battle against the Apokoliptian forces, Barry developed a stronger sense of confidence, as seen when he didn't hesitate to face the disoriented Superman after his resurrection, despite being visibly terrified.

Despite his tragic childhood, Barry is quite laid-back, witty, bubbly, and somewhat childish and humorous, in stark contrast to the very calm, mature, dark, and serious Batman, as well as most of the Justice League. Regardless of these differences though, the Flash idolizes Batman, promptly expressing a desire to keep a Batarang, and gushing about seeing the Bat-Signal. The Flash seems to idolize and admire Superman just as much, however, as the Man of Steel's heroic death is what inspired Barry to also more openly use his own metahuman powers and come out into the light as the Flash.

Barry's humorous attitude, however, initially annoys his fellow Justice Leaguers; Batman and Aquaman in particular, as well as Cyborg, and even the considerate Wonder Woman, though she still treats him with compassion.[13]

Barry was nonetheless able to strike up friendships with most of them: bonding with Victor Stone over their similar accidents and insecurities, looking up to Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince as mentors, formed a friendship-hate relationship with Aquaman, whom Barry often jokes about his rumor of having sex with fish, and developing a friendly rivalry with Superman, even challenging him to a race to the Pacific coast to see which one of them was truly faster. Barry can also be extremely serious on occasion, notably during his regular visits to his imprisoned father, Henry Allen.

Barry from Flashpoint, a version of Barry that never experienced his mother's death, was even more laid-back, silly, and immature, as well as less intelligent. This annoyed and angered the original Barry, who accuses his younger self of taking his happy life for granted, and not challenging himself. Growing up with more tragedy also made Barry more resilient to tragedy and corruption, since unlike Flashpoint Barry, he didn't become the Dark Flash.

Powers and Abilities


"So you're fast."
"That feels like an oversimplification."
Bruce Wayne and Barry Allen[src]
Flash running fast

Flash using his super-speed

Speed Force Conduit: Barry Allen, after being struck by lightning and doused in nearby chemicals, gained a metahuman connection to the Speed Force, an extra-dimensional energy field, granting him many speed-based superhuman abilities, as the Flash.[14]

  • Superhuman Speed: Flash is capable of moving at tremendous hypersonic speeds, an ability so powerful that his movements are invisible to the naked eye. He notably ran from a fridge to knock out a mugger and returned before the milk bottle he was holding could fall. Later, he was able to draw on a man's face when visiting his father in Iron Heights too fast for him or anybody else to notice. When the Justice League attempted to restrain a confused and angry Superman following his resurrection, Flash was able to evade the majority of the Kryptonian's attacks, only being hit due to stumbling. Similarly, Flash was able to dodge many blows from General Zod, Faora, and Nam-Ek in Flashpoint's alternate timelines. This shows that Flash is faster than super-powered Kryptonians, though not by much, since a few minutes after Flash dodged Superman's initial attacks, Superman was able to dodge Flash's superspeed charge (forcing Flash to run into Aquaman). Similarly, General Zod adjusted and synchronized his movements with Flash a few minutes later, hurling Supergirl into him. Flash, however, may not have been using his full speed, and so later Superman and Flash decided to settle which one of them is faster with a race. At his fastest moments, the Flash is able to force himself to move beyond the speed of light in order to go back in time, such as when he undid the Unity and prevented his mother's death. In addition, the intensity of the Flash's speed allows him to deliver superhumanly strong attacks (enough to leave Aquaman dazed for a few minutes after an accidental collision, and even make Kryptonians stumble, and break through Kryptonian visors), as well as to run along vertical surfaces, across the surface of water, through solid matter, into other dimensions of the Multiverse, and even through time itself.[14]
    • Afterimage Projection: By combining his powers of speed and vibration, the Flash is able to generate a ghost effect that effectively prospects afterimages of himself from a few seconds before.[12]
  • Superhuman Metabolism: Because of Flash's accelerated metabolism, he burns calories at an accelerated rate, keeping his body slim and fit, so this requires him to intake a very high amount of calories to function normally. Due to this, Flash describes himself as a "snack hole": a black hole of snacks.
    • Regenerative Healing Factor: Flash's speed extends to him on a biological level, and thus, his metabolism functions faster than that of humans, which allows him to heal any injuries (as long as they aren't lethal) within a short time frame. Hence, Flash required only a few minutes to heal from getting shot in the leg by a Parademon plasma bolt.
    • Enhanced taste: Flash's boosted metabolism also makes food taste more intense to him than before.
    • Alcoholic Immunity: Flash's boosted metabolism makes him unable to get drunk.
Barry sees the Batarang in slow motion

Barry's slow-motion perception

  • Superhuman Reflexes: Flash possesses reflexes far greater than those of a human. This allows him to easily react to danger and events and perceive the world in slow motion. Fortunately for Flash's sanity, he can relax this ability to enable himself to interact with and tolerate the real world. While in this state, Flash is also able to outpace the speed of other forces like gravity (even the fluctuating gravity around a World Engine), allowing him to move faster than an object that can be affected by gravity and begin falling. His reflexes are faster than normal people can even perceive. Hence, Flash was able to easily dodge a batarang thrown at him by Bruce Wayne, with it appearing to be moving at him in slow motion (at least 62 times slower than in real-time), and Bruce himself almost frozen in place from Barry's perspective. While saving Iris West from a car crash, Barry sees her and the flying objects around her as if they were suspended in mid-air. Even the superhumanly fast Wonder Woman is far slower than Flash, and is seen to be moving in slow motion from his perspective. However, Superman and Flashpoint's General Zod are both shown to be capable of moving at a similar speed, able to nearly match Flash on several occasions, and outpace him on others, to the point where Flash and Superman made a friendly wager afterwards, in a race to see who is truly faster.
    • Accelerated Perception: This allows Flash to easily react to danger and events and perceive the world in slow motion.
  • Superhuman Momentum: While moving at an accelerated speed, Flash generates superhuman levels of momentum, which allow him to enhance the force behind his movements and attacks, often propelling people and objects several feet, which Flash uses to compensate for his otherwise average physical strength. Hence, Flash was able to easily mow down an entire squad of Parademons by colliding with them at an immense speed, defeating Captain Boomerang in the same swift manner, sending a mugger flying with a single push. When saving Iris from her car accident, Flash had to carefully guide her out of danger to prevent her from getting whiplash. When Flash accidentally collides with the extremely durable Aquaman, he sends the latter flying into some steps, breaking them and leaving the Atlantean dazed for several minutes. Flash is even able to send some Kryptonians flying a few feet from these collisions, and is able to break through some of their visors with super-speed punches.
    • Momentum Negation: Flash also can come to a full stop, despite the extreme inertia of his movements, allowing him to further the illusion of having not moved at all if he moves at super speed and returns to his previous location before anyone can notice it.
  • Superhuman Agility: Flash's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to superhuman levels, allowing him to navigate while moving at superhuman speed. Thus, Flash managed to dodge most of the attacks from Steppenwolf and some from Superman, Flashpoint General Zod and Flashpoint Faora. This coordination, however, isn't an intuitive trait, as Barry was still initially a bit clumsy, sometimes tripping over himself mid-run. He improves his agility with practice though, being far less clumsy than his younger Flashpoint self.
  • Superhuman Stamina: Flash's body can handle the stress of moving at superhuman speeds for extended periods without getting tired or weak, so long as he's not running on an empty stomach.
  • Superhuman Durability: Flash is capable of resisting tremendous kinetic impact forces that could easily crush or kill a human, without suffering any serious external or internal injuries. However, if he stands still, he is no more durable than a human, hence Flash was wounded by a Parademon's plasma bolt.
  • Molecular Oscillation: Flash can vibrate his molecules to generate friction and manipulating his tangibility.
    • Intangibility: Flash can phase himself through solid objects by vibrating his molecules at super speed.[14] If he is holding onto someone else while phasing, the other person will also phase with him. He quickly phased to avoid the Unity's destruction in order to go back in time, and later to phase out of Flashpoint General Zod's grip. Flash can also use his intangible phasing offensively, forcing his vibrating hand through the otherwise invulnerable Faora and several other Kryptonians, which knocked some of them out. After temporarily losing his powers, Barry is able to quickly teach his younger Flashpoint self how to phase.
    • Tornado Generation: By spinning in super-speed, Flash can generate a tornado, charged with Speed Force lightning. This can take the form of a narrow tornado, or a wider vortex (such as the one he used against General Zod).
  • Interdimensional Travel: Flash's incredible speed enables him to travel into other realities of the Multiverse.[14]
  • Time-Travel: Flash can run fast enough to break through the fabric of the space-time continuum, enabling him to travel forward or back in time, to monitor or alter past events. Flash notably went back in time a few minutes, to help Superman and Cyborg stop the Unity, and later to prevent his mother's death.
    • Time Regression: Flash can rewind or reverse time.
"I might be able to do it. I mean, I- I might be able to jumpstart it. I- I don't like to break this rule, but when I approach the speed of light, I-- look, crazy things happen to time, but if I do it, I create massive electrical power. I can backtrack. If I can get enough distance, I can conduct a significant enough electrical current, I- I might be able to wake the box if that's... s-still what we want?"
  • Electricity Generation: While moving at incredible speeds, Barry generates powerful bolts of electricity which can cause nearby technology to short-circuit or overload. He was able to charge himself enough to charge a Mother Box with enough energy to jump-start Scout Ship 0344's Genesis Chamber. According to Amanda Waller's files, Flash can also charge the air vortexes that he generates with electricity, thereby further increasing its offensive capabilities. That is later demonstrated when Flash fights General Zod in Flashpoint's alternate timelines. Flash's lightning is powerful enough to make Nam-Ek and several other Kryptonians pause and stumble, and, after Flash supercharges his lightning by running around a bit, it becomes powerful enough to break through Nam-Ek's armor. Flash is also capable of using this ability for smaller, more precise scales, such as lightning a firecracker with a tiny spark he generated by snapping his fingers. Interestingly, Barry's lightning coloration changes dependent on whether he wears his latest Flash suit - his lightning is sapphire blue without it, and golden yellow with it.


"You can be whatever you want to be. You're a brilliant man. Absolute best of the best."
Henry Allen to Barry Allen[src]
  • Genius-Level Intellect: Barry Allen is an exceptionally intelligent science enthusiast, with aptitudes in physics, forensics, and engineering. Notably, Barry was capable of designing and building his Flash suit from anti-friction material employed by NASA, impressing even Batman with the sophistication. Since his childhood, Barry has been devoted to dedicating himself to studying forensic science to prove his father's innocence in the murder of his mother, which is why he is much smarter than Flashpoint Barry, who had never had to mentally challenge himself though such dedication.
    • Expert Engineer/Scientist: Barry Allen possesses an intimate understanding of quantum mechanics, mechanical engineering, and electronics, allowing him to construct the sophisticated Flash suit using materials that, in addition to holding up against immense levels of heat and friction, ground the excess currents of energy he experiences while moving at tremendous speeds.[15] He is also able to explain the scientific aspects of some of his powers to his Flashpoint counterpart.
    • Musician: Barry claimed he's capable of playing the viola to Bruce Wayne.
    • Bilingualism: Barry speaks his native English and also sign language. He also claims to know gorilla sign language, but there is no difference between the sign languages used by humans and gorillas, so this is an attempt at humor.
  • Expert Combatant: Despite initially having no formal training in hand-to-hand combat, Barry's abilities allow him to execute attacks against opponents with superhuman amounts of force. He was able to easily subdue Captain Boomerang with a single blow, sending a mugger flying with a single push, and dodge multiple attacks from Superman, before being defeated. However, Flash himself has admitted to Batman that he is very inexperienced. After training some more with the Justice League though, Flash improves, enough to teach his younger Flashpoint self how to use his powers in combat. Though that training, both Flashes worked together to subdue Faora, Nam-Ek, and several other Kryptonians - breaking through their visors with either super-fast punches, Speed Force lightning, or pieces of Kryptonian metal. Flash also helps Supergirl in many iterations of her final battle with General Zod, though they fail each time. Flash was also able to take down many Parademons single-handedly during the War for Earth.
  • Skilled Teacher: Barry is able to instruct his younger Flashpoint self on how to get his powers, and how to effectively use them. Despite initially not making much headway with his scatterbrained, silly, and immature younger self, Barry eventually imparts the younger Barry with enough knowledge for them to effectively find Batman, rescue Supergirl, and even take down multiple Kryptonians. The younger Barry grew to look up to Barry, and even sacrificed his own life to save his mentor from the Dark Flash.


  • Insufficient Nutrition: Flash's accelerated metabolism forces him to eat and drink and huge amounts of food every so often. If he consumes less, his speed and reflexes will begin to falter. This notably happens when he tries to save a falling nurse and babies - he weakens, and is forced to pause his rescue to eat the nearby food that is falling next to them.


  • Flash Suit: Barry Allen wears a protective scarlet suit with high tensile wires holding the various pieces together, emblazoned with a golden lightning bolt design on the chest, like his superhero alter-ego the Flash. The suit is composed of specific materials, with Bruce Wayne noting that it is constructed from the same silica-based quartz fabric employed by NASA to protect spaceships during re-entry from burning up. The suit is worn by Barry to protect him from the immense friction encountered when he runs, as well as being overall resistant to extreme temperatures. If Flash wears a suit not designed for a speedster, he will have to take breaks, to avoid building up too much charge in the suit.

Other equipment

  • Monkey: Barry Allen's beloved stuffed monkey, which he keep after his mother's death as a gift from her. He treat it with a lot of respect and got mad at his younger counterpart for treating it like a target shooting.






List of appearances
In chronological order:


  • In the comics, Bartholomew Henry Allen was a forensic scientist who was struck by a lightning bolt and fell into a coma. When he awoke, he could think and move at incredible speeds. After deciding to use his powers to become a hero, he created a red suit and became The Flash.
  • Originally, Barry's birth date was given as September 30, 1992 on his college ID card and May 2, 1983 on his driver's license, as shown in the Justice League art book. However, this was later changed in the Flash film where Barry's birth date would land in 1995.
    • Curiously, September 30 is just one day after Barry gets his powers.
  • The reason as to why Flash's run style looks so weird is because of loss of traction when he starts to run, making him look like he is gliding.
  • This is the first big-screen incarnation of the Flash.
  • Barry is the first person in the DC Extended Universe to coin the terms "Speed Force".
  • Barry is usually portrayed as a blond with blue eyes, but the DCEU version is black-haired with brown eyes.
  • Barry is stated to still be a college student when he joins the Justice League, making the Flash one of the youngest members, along with Cyborg.
  • Although his superhero alter ego "Flash" is seemingly never mentioned in dialogue in any of the films, he is mentioned by that name in Suicide Squad during the intro sequence of the film, as part of the file Amanda Waller has compiled about Digger Harkness, indicating that A.R.G.U.S. is the first to refer to him by that name.
  • The only people who know Barry's identity as the Flash, other than the members of both of the Justice Leagues, are Lex Luthor and Alfred Pennyworth.
  • Barry is Jewish, which he mentions when he describes a picture of himself to Bruce Wayne.
    • Coincidentally, his actor, Ezra Miller, is also Jewish.
  • Barry was 9 years old when his mother died, 18 years old when the Black Zero Event happened, 22 years old during Justice League/Zack Snyder's Justice League, 26 years old when the Battle at Coverdale Ranch hapened and 27 years old during The Flash.
  • Barry is right-handed, and, supposedly, can play the viola and is fluent in Sign Language.
    • Barry also mentioned a fluency in "Gorilla Sign Language", a reference to the Flash telepathic villain Gorilla Grodd.
  • Barry is a fan of Rick and Morty and the Back to the Future franchise.
  • In Zack Snyder's Justice League, one of the names Barry comes up with as his superhero alter-ego is Lightning Lad. In DC Comics, Lightning Lad is the name of a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes, an organization of young heroes from the 30th Century.
  • The Flash makes a small cameo appearance in the hand-drawn "imaginary" adventures in the credits of Shazam!, racing against Darla Dudley in her superhero form.
  • Barry's usual breakfast order is peanut butter, bananas, raisins, honey and cheese on a roll, which is usually ready for him because he is habitually late for work.
  • Adam Brody would have played the Flash in the cancelled film Justice League: Mortal.
  • The first and last appearances of this Flash are in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Aquaman and the Lost Kindgom Special respectively.
  • The first and last lines of this Flash are "No honor among thieves, eh?" in Suicide Squad and "He's fine" in The Flash's post-credit scene.

Behind the Scenes


The DC Extended Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Flash.

External Links

Justice League
Members Batman (leader) | Wonder Woman | Cyborg | Flash | Superman | Aquaman
Associates Alfred Pennyworth